In a span of mere 4 years, this start up @Goabookers where I am contributing as a co-founder has proved to be a viable business.
However, with no business past one and a half month, it has taken a huge jolt in terms of booking cancellations, refunds and salaries of our mates who work for Goabookers. Also with no business looking possible for the next 3-4 months or probably even more, it’s imperative that my start up which i have raised like a baby with full honesty and dedication might be forgotten from the minds of many. Hence I have posted a quick update about our company and we will be back soon 😊
Quick Updates:
- Into the 4th year -Tie ups across top resorts across all beaches of Goa-✔️
- Over 1872 Happy Guests-✔️
- Wide range of resorts, villas, private apartments across Goa for all kinds of budgets-✔️
- The only online travel booking portal to offer 24/7 online and offline guest service-✔️
- Turnover of over 6 Million in a span of 3 years-✔️
- Value added services like transfers, pick and drops, sightseeings, meals always offered to the guests-✔️
- Average guest rating (we don’t like to say customer) as we tend to create relations with everyone- 3.9/5.. ✔️
& the best part we haven’t invested a single rupee in marketing. We rather invested our time and money on things which can actually make the end user happy which is the guest who comes at our resorts to stay.
Would also like to say we are the only location specific dedicated travel start up for Goa in India. Have been grateful that business has growned purely on word of mouth, guests have not only referred to others but have themselves repeated their stays with us.